
CONNECT Retreat | Rome, GA | 2 days 2 make it hap'n, Cap'n

I've shared this a few places on the ole Facebook today, but I want to elaborate a little. If you haven't seen my Facebook post, here it is (or scroll past to read the elaboration):

If you’re friends of ours- you’ve heard us talk about Georgia. If you’re close friends of ours, you’ve heard us talk of CONNECT Retreat and how absolutely life-changing it is. 

#ConnectRetreat is so amazing, it’s hard to put into words. We went into it with what we thought was a "business booster retreat” with a little marriage talk on the side, for the first time 6 years ago, but we were so wrong, in the BEST. WAY. EVER. The only way I know how to explain our experiences there (year after year) is that we MEET WITH GOD. No joke. If you come seeking- He will meet you, in huge ways, I promise. And He is using some seriously fabulous people and the most amazing location, to do it. 

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If you think your marriage needs work, come. If you think you’re ready to sign papers, come. If you think you’ve got it all figured out, come. If you just think, “there’s gotta be more”, COME. If you don’t know what to think about anything anymore, COME. This amazing CONNECT community is ready to meet you there, too. Come with us! Our marriage can be whatever we want it to be! 

Our friends shared this: "It’s something we feel has saved us from getting to the point of divorce during our harder years, and we’ve seen dozens of couples come on the brink and leave transformed. This retreat can help ANY marriage whether in a great, good, or desperate state.
The speakers all have different experiences, ages, and backgrounds and speak on different topics that are conversations that we’d never talked about or read in marriage books. ALL of the leading couples & speakers have such a gift for helping people get past the things that get them “stuck” in marriage and in life. Most of what the couples teach/share is based on past experiences (losing a child, past trauma/abuse, infidelity, addictions, work/life balance, child-rearing and much more), some of which are very traumatic that they’ve been able to overcome and grow from. 
It’s on the most gorgeous, relaxing property called WinShape Retreat (owned by the founders or Chick-Fil-A) at Berry College Campus in Rome, GA. The food and accommodations are wonderful and they give you plenty of free time to hike, ride bikes, or just relax and hang with other couples. We always leave feeling refreshed and renewed in our marriage and personal lives and it’s helped give us the tools needed to handle the valleys in life/work/marriage."

Here’s the registration link. There’s only 20 more spots available and we anticipate those to fill quickly! The Early Bird rate is $500 off and that expires Thursday. It’s an investment you’ll never regret - I promise you that!

Please let me know if you or your spouse have any questions whatsoever and we would be happy to speak with you to share more! 

A little on the elaboration part. For those of you who are getting worried about my salvation and stuff- have no fear! I know God will meet us anywhere we call on Him- this retreat is just a little extra focused, which makes it much easier to do. You're away from distraction, outside world, LITERALLY don't have to meal plan, or wipe things up on people or things, and you're participating in a completely SAFE community, physically and relationally. 

Our understanding of what marriage IS has been transformed in the last 6 years. Our marriage is what we make it. It doesn't have to be like anyone else's if you don't want it to be. But that's hard. How do you change something you don't have a clue how to change? That's where CONNECT comes in. We've learned so much about how to handle challenges - we've received tools to making it work. And it extends outside our marriage- these are things that help you with rearing children, dealing with shame from your past, having relationships with any person in your life, how to believe in a different future. It's a transformational time. Our work is believing and believing is hard work. 

So PLEASE, join us in 2019! There's only a few days left to sign up, or it won't happen. I need to be there, someone in your life needs to be there, YOU need to be there. Make the commitment to take a leap into something better! You will wonder why you didn't go sooner! 


We hope to see you there :)
    David + Lindsay Hoeflinger